FOTC photo competitions

Photo competition for April to June 2024

Friends of Tooting Common’s photo competition for Tooting Common for the months of April to June 2024 has been won by Anneli for this excellent photo of the log-lined path through the ‘sanctuary’ area by the lake.

Congratulations to Anneli!

There were though a number of very good photos entered, and the choice of winner was not an easy one.  A link to all the photos is here:   FotcPhotoAprJune2024

Photo competition for July to September 2024

We are now running a competition for the months of July to September 2024. Please send photos for this by Monday 30 September, to, and entitle the email ‘FOTC photo competition’.

Entry to the competition is free, and open to everyone. The arrangements for our photo competitions are:

– The photo can be of any aspect of Tooting Common, particularly one which brings out its distinctive character

– It can include people, but for any close-up photos the permission of the people concerned should be obtained. Any photos including
children should be from a distance and not identify faces.

– Photo(s) submitted for the competition are then in the “public domain” and may be used publicly

– No-one can submit more than 5 photos for any competition

The prize is a shopping/entertainment gift voucher for £30 (or cash equivalent) and a copy of a hand-drawn map of Tooting Common by a local artist. Please do join the competition!

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